Introduction to Data Structures | Classification | Data Structure Operation

Let’s learn about  Introduction to Data Structures

Data Structures 

  • A data structure is a way to store and organize data to facilitate access and modifications. The idea is to reduce the space and time complexities of different tasks. An example of several common data structures are arrays, linked lists, queues, stacks, binary trees, and hash tables.
  • When working with certain data structures you need to know how to insert new data, search for a specified item, and deleting a specific item.  


          Commonly used algorithms include are useful for:

  •  Searching for a particular data item (or record)
  •  Sorting the data. There are many ways to sort data. Simple sorting, Advanced sorting
  •  Iterating through all the items in a data structure. (Visiting each item in turn to display it or perform some other action on these items)


Introduction to Data Structures

 Primitive data types

  • These are the data structures that are directly supported by the machine i.e.Any operation can be performed in these data items.
  • The different primitive data types are
  • Integer
  • Float
  • Double
  • Character
  • Boolean

Non Primitive data types

  • These Data structures do not allow any specific instructions to be performed on the Data items directly.
  • The different non-primitive data types are
  • Arrays
  • Structures
  • Unions
  • Class etc.

Classification of Data Structures

  • There are two types of data structures. They are
  • Linear Data structures
  • Non-Linear Data structures


Linear Data structures

  • This Data Structures involve arranging the elements in Linear fashion.

For example:

  • Stacks
  • Queue
  • Lists

Non-Linear Data structures

  • This Data structures involve representing the elements in Hierarchical order.

For example:

  • Trees
  • Graphs

Data structure operations

Operation means processing the data in the data structure. The following are some important operations

  • Traversing
  • Searching
  • Inserting
  • Deleting
  • Sorting
  • Merging

Traversing:- To visit or process each data exactly once in the data structure

Searching:- To search for a particular value in the data structure for the given key value.

Inserting:- To add a new value to the data structure operations

Deleting:- To remove a value from the data structure

 Sorting:- To arrange the values in the data structure in a particular order.

 Merging:- To join two same type of data structure values


I hope guys like these posts Introduction to Data Structures

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NPTEL VIDEO:-Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms



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