Please and Thank You

Use of Please and Thank you  To show your good manners, keep in mind – Thanks…

Greetings and Salutations

  Let’s learn about Greetings and Salutations Choosing words while greeting someone depends on the age,…

Database Architecture in Database Management System

Let’s learn about Database Architecture. What is database architecture? Database architecture uses programming languages to design…

Advantages of DBMS over file system

let’s learn about the Advantages of DBMS Drawbacks of File System Data redundancy: Data redundancy refers…

Characteristics of Database Management System

Let’s learn about the Characteristics of Database Management System. A database management system has the following…

Purpose of Database Systems | DBMS

Let’s learn about the Purpose of Database Systems. Data redundancy and inconsistency  Data redundancy: Data redundancy…

Applications of DBMS (Database Management System)

Let’s learn about the Applications of DBMS. We are a widely used Database Management System. Here…

Need for DBMS (Database Management System)

let’s learn about the Need for DBMS What is the need for DBMS? Database systems are…

Introduction to DBMS (Database Management System)

Let’s learn about Introduction to DBMS What is data? Data is nothing but facts and statistics…

Letters of English and Hindi Alphabet

let’s learn about Letters of English and Hindi Alphabet First Question: How many alphabets are there…

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