Importance of Spoken English in Today’s World

Let’s learn the Importance of Spoken English

Speaking English allows you to actually broaden your world, from job opportunities to the ability to relate to people from every country.

Knowing the language makes it much more interesting every trip.

Anywhere you want to go in the world you can find someone who speaks English. If we account for only the country where the English language is the official language, U.S.A., the United Kingdom, Canada, Australian countries. There are more than 400 million native English speakers.

Importance of Spoken English


Language is our primary source of communication. It’s the method through which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say that language is what separates from animals and makes us human.

The following are a few of the most common reasons:

  1. Job Opportunities: People who speak English fluently have more job opportunities. Businesses need employees who can communicate effortlessly with English-speaking partners and clients.
  2. English Conversation makes it easier to travel: Being able to make a good English conversation makes it easier to travel. Because English is spoken as a first or second language in so many different countries, it is always easy to find English speakers as well as printed information in English, especially at hotels and in areas frequented by tourists.
  3. Higher studies: The English language gives students access to information and research. Since many of the top academic journals are published in English, students and academics need strong English reading and writing skills. Moreover, for a research study or other publications to get sufficient attention, it should be published in English.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Importance of Spoken English
  4. Language of the Internet: English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are written in English – you will be able to understand them and to take part in forums and discussions.
  5. English skills are our national advantage
  6. Job Security: Career must be secured.
  7. Job Status: You feel proud to achieve.
  8. Job Satisfaction: You must love your work.
  9. Salary/Perks: Handsome salary with basic facilities.
  10. Science and Technology: Since English is the language of science and technology, English speakers have more opportunities to work with others in these fields and to share ideas and innovations.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Importance of Spoken English


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