What is Gratitude and Story of Gratitude

What is Gratitude?

Gratitude, thankfulness, or gratefulness, from the Latin word gratus ‘pleasing, thankful’, is a feeling of appreciation felt by and/or similar positive response shown by the recipient of kindness, gifts, help, favors, or other types of generosity, towards the giver of such gifts.

Who is the best?

Once upon a time, there lived a king. He loved his subjects and took good care of them. He always listened to them and tried to understand what would make them happy. His subjects also loved him very much. He had a loyal army. The soldiers were brave. They helped the king to expand his empire.

Soon the king had a huge kingdom. He became the mightiest king. No one could say ‘no’ to his orders. He felt proud of his achievements. But slowly he became arrogant, haughty, and short-tempered. Now he was not the loving and caring king anymore. He only wanted everyone to obey his orders. He no longer cared about the happiness of his people. He only commanded and was angry if anyone tried to argue.

What is Gratitude

The behavior of an arrogant mind

One day the king was talking a walk in his garden. Some men were moving rock pieces to create an artificial fountain in the garden. The king noticed them. He saw that some people were stout and heavily built. They were able to pick bigger rock pieces. Some were lean. They were choosing the smaller rock pieces.

“I am such a mighty king. I am so powerful. My people should also be powerful like me. Only then my kingdom will remain powerful. ”

As soon as the arrogant king had this thought he clapped his hands and called for the soldiers. They at once appeared to serve the king.

What is Gratitude

“Catch hold of all the lean and thin men in my army. Make them move that huge rock over there!”, he commanded his soldiers, pointing at a really big rock. “Only those who move it can remain in my army.”The soldiers were surprised to hear this strange command. It was a very strange way to decide. But no one could speak against the king’s order.

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